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TUNG TING WULONG Master Select is a premium tea to be enjoyed like a fine wine with complexity and finesse. This tea was roasted by tea master Mr. Chen, an A-level tea evaluator certified by Taiwan Tea Craft Association.

Master Select is well-balanced and complex. You first notice its sweetness and a touch of bitterness against a backdrop of delightful floral bouquet. The sweetness changes into ripe tropical fruity aromas balanced with floral fragrances. This tea is oven-roasted, resulting in a clean clear roast that supports the complex floral and fruity aromas.

The flavors of Master Select evolve distinctly through various steeping. Using the standard cupping method (*see Note below), the first steeping results in sweet juicy aromas reminiscent of a fruit juice. In the second steeping, the roast and floral fragrances become clearer, resulting in complex and elegant flavors reminiscent of a fine wine. The flavors remain interesting through the 5th steeping.  

The enchanting and distinctive flavors of Master Select began with the "correct pluck" for oolong tea - a "mature pluck" with a resting bud and 2 to 3 mature leaves. Timing is critical, as the mature leaves cannot become old and fibrous.

Correct pluck, along with healthy tea leaves and excellent tea-making skills, form the TRIO requirements for a premium oolong tea. Try it! We think you will agree.

Region: Tung Ting mountain, Lugu County

Oxidation: Medium, ~35%

Tea Plant: ChinXin Oolong varietal

Roast: Oven-Roasted, Light

 * Cupping method using in testing: (i) Leaf to water ratio = 1:50 (grams:ml) , (ii) water temperature 98oC (208oF), and (iii) 6 minutes for 1st steeping, add 1 minute to each subsequent steeping.